Sunday, March 16, 2008

~ 'Kiri' ~
Pastel on Board

I fixed my laptop (with lots of help from my son-in-law-to-be), and it was going great. I spent many hours loading all my programs in. It lasted around 24 hours, and crashed again. I hadn't backed it up when it was perfect.
I am devastated.............

Another stinker of a day today. I am off to have my skin checked by a dermatologist as I have two small carcinomas on my face, and who knows what elsewhere. Not dangerous ones, fortunately, but they have to come off.

This intense heat makes each day a planning nightmare, with how to dodge from one place to another without expiring. The car and house are both air conditioned, and Safeway, and hopefully, the skin doctor. I wouldn't imagine he would enjoy hot sweaty patients to handle.


Our local beekeeper came around yesterday evening to see our 'dinosaur' of a honey extractor. He has been using a hand driven one for years so I offered him the option of using ours when he needed it. It will be sitting around doing nothing for a time as we only have two hives. We do intend to expand our numbers next year, but it takes time to split a hive, install a new queen, and then not raid the hive while they build up numbers and honey supply.

He is a tall, intensely shy man in his thirties. His parents are German and must have kept a tight hold on him as he is quite awkward around others. He shears sheep locally and did ours over Christmas.

Sitting talking on the veranda in the cool of the evening, he told us of his experiences shearing away, and how he didn't enjoy that much, with the rough accommodation, and sometimes wild shearers. He is altogether too fragile to enjoy the ribald jokes and beer drinking.

He brought me a container of his beautiful honey. I will be looking forward to doing the same next year.

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